Population of TopeTohaThe current population of TopeToha is 10 people
Number of cards scheduled to be issued :77cards
List of TopeToha card code scheduled to be issued
What is TopeToha?A person who declares the start of action towards peace and happiness
TopeToha is a shortened word for "To peace to happiness"and call "to" "pe" "to" "ha".
Don't you think the world is filled with too much sadness?
TopeToha is a person who declared to seven people, including his family and friends, that he/her has started taking action to change the current world full of sadness.
What actions will TopeToha initiate?It is about starting to learn in order to make the world peaceful and happy.
TopeToha does not require you to become a politician, join an anti-war movement, or participate in volunteer work. You have to do is learn about the theory of Quantum Ecology, which is a new way of thinking that doesn't exist in the world today.
What is Quantum Ecology?It is a science that explains questions about the natural world
Can you all answer the following 3 questions?
Why does life need water?
Why do different types of seeds sown in the same soil grow into different types of plants?
Why do some people have memories from their previous lives?
Quantum Ecology, which TopeToha learn, is a field of study that explains the earth, nature, and the mechanism of evolution from the perspective of quantum action.
It seems difficult・・・It's not difficult at all, All you need is to understand one mechanism
Quantum Ecology is a field of study that explains the universe, the earth, and nature using only one mechanism.
In today's science, diseases require specialized knowledge in medicine and biology, the environment in environmental engineering and meteorology, and nuclear power in nuclear engineering.
However, by using Quantum Ecology, we can use the same mechanism to explain how diseases occur, how the environment is destroyed, and how nuclear power destroys things.
Of course, detailed mechanisms from a detailed perspective require specialized knowledge in each field. But the basic system of the universe, the earth, and the natural world is very simple, and there is only one system.
Therefore, once you understand Quantum Ecology, you will be able to make decisions on simple matters by yourself without having to ask an expert.
really!? But it seems difficult...
Don't worry, you can fully understand Quantum Ecology if you have knowledge of physics and chemistry learned in school.
You don't need to go to school to learn, and you don't need to pay any money to learn Quantum Ecorogy.
I believe that if you read the articles on our website in order, you will be able to understand them naturally.
The natural world does not accept the existence of sadness When you learn Quantum Ecology, you become aware of the existence of such phenomena in nature
When you learn about Quantum Ecology and are able to answer these three questions, you realize that In the natural world, there is a system that does not accept the existence of sadness.
If a person learns about Quantum Ecology and realizes this, he/she will no longer be able to cause sadness to anyone.If the number of such people increases, the world will be less sad.
That's why I decided to call people who study Quantum Ecology TopeToha, with the meaning of To peace To happiness.
I think that if we tell each seven people about Quantum Ecology, the number of TopeToha will increase rapidly, and the speed at which this sad world will disappear will increase.
This project was started for that reason.
Let's become TopeToha!!Let's learn Quantum Ecology
You can learn about Quantum Ecology on our website.
If you have a cell or a computer, you can access this site and learn anytime, anywhere, for free.
Although it is irregular, I plan to upload 2 or 3 articles every month.
If you start learning Quantum Ecology, please tell your family and friends.
If you have money, please purchase the cardPurchasing a card leads to research
In addition to being a means of increasing TopeToha, the TopeToha card also has the purpose of obtaining research funds for Quantum Ecology.
I would like to use the proceeds from the card sales to fund research on how to make the world happy as quickly as possible.
Therefore, TopeToha cards are available for a fee, and you can purchase 1 set of 7 cards within the range of ¥3,300 to ¥330,000 based on your own evaluation.
If you can afford it, please purchase a TopeToha card for ¥330,000.
Start with 3 people/8 billion peopleA reckless challenge to change the world
I"Michika nogami" advocated Quantum Ecology, conceived TopeToha and started action.
At the time of opening this site, the supporters are my husband"Akiharu Nogami", and my friend, making TopeToha's population 3 people.
I believes that for the earth to be peaceful and happy, everyone around the world needs to understand Quantum Ecology.
However, Quantum Ecology is not a theory currently accepted in physical science.In fact, in Japan, it is a theory that continues to be rejected and ignored. As for whether it will really spread or be understood, it would be more appropriate to say that it is hopeless.
But when I think about the sadness in the world, I feel like I have to do it. So even if it's reckless, I have to do it.
If someone agrees with it, and if it spreads even just a little bit, and if people who understand quantum ecology emerge, then eventually they will pass on what they have learned here and there.
If that happens, there will be no more people who reject or ignore the theory, and I think there will be no need for TopeToha.
Aiming for such a goal, the three of us started TopeToha with the dream of reaching 8 billion people.
I hope that the world will be free from wars and conflicts as soon as possible, and that everyone will be happy.
Quantum Ecology Promotional Video (Japanese)